Monday, October 2, 2023

The September AI Creative Challenge from Adobe Express

The September Creative Challenge for education from Adobe Express incorporates one of their new, amazing AI tools. I was preparing to share the artificial intelligence "Hello my name is..." challenge with/ art teachers this month and thought, what better way than with famous artists in their creative style! Try it yourself in the new Adobe Express and post it with #AdobeEduCreative and you may win “Hello” pencil bags:!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Discovery Education Blog: Inspiring Creativity in the Classroom- Discover the Magic of STEAM Learning

I wrote a short post for the Discovery Education Blog to kick the new school year off entitled Inspiring Creativity in the Classroom Discover the Magic of STEAM Learning. It shares some of my favorite Discovery Edu tools and resources and some tips on focusing on Creativity in STEAM learning!