Thursday, January 22, 2015

Drawing: Charcoal Self-Portraits and Final Portfolio

In Drawing class we are coming to an end this week and completing our Charcoal Self-Portrait project. The piece should include some finishing work and be cut down to size eliminating excess paper such as the terrific example above from Natalie.  After the grid drawing is completed in pencil (see the image below for reference) the tones will be completed using condensed charcoal, charcoal pencils, and blending tools (tortillions, meaded erasers, and in my experience the best blending tool, your fingers).  The completed drawing should be handed in on Friday but if you are not finished speak to me and we should be able to set up a time to work over the testing week.

Your final project is simply to choose you six strongest works that were created in class and assemble them into an exit portfolio which we will review on Friday.  I'll sit with each student and review the work and we'll grade the final portfolio together using a rubric.

If you finish early and want to work on a short extra credit drawing you can create a piece for the Ocean Awareness Student Art Contest which might be treated in the same vain as an Illustration Friday drawing.  Below is their prompt:
Submit a work of art, a poem, a written work, or a film about plastic pollution in the ocean. Look for connections between science, creativity, environmental advocacy, and your personal interpretation of theme Our Oceans, Our Plastic. Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to advocate, but give your piece a unique and powerful voice.
The contest is for a good cause and you can use your imagination and photo references to create your image.  If you want to you can speak to the Marine Biology teachers for reference and concepts that might work.  There are also some excellent pieces on the website that are previous winners.

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