Friday, February 12, 2016

Art Honor Society: Inspiring Mural Created by HSE Artists

Here's an article about our recent work with the Wyland Foundation Water For Life mural project that I wanted to share before our winter vacation- enjoy the break!

Smithtown High School East art students in Tim Needles’ drawing class collaborated with the science department and the National Art Honor Society to create a mural to enter into the annual Wyland Foundation’s National “Water is Life” Mural and Art Challenge. Their “Protecting Our Oceans” creation featured dolphins, marine animals, wildlife and a boat over an illuminated sky. 

This year’s contest was themed “Our Coasts and Climate,” and the foundation and its partners provided 100 schools with educational materials and 50-square-foot canvas murals to look at the economic, cultural and aesthetic value of the world's ocean resources. The contest encouraged students to work together while studying climate issues. 

The mural depicts the full eastern coast of the United States with local marine life and landmarks such as Stony Brook University’s R/V Seawolf research vessel in Port Jefferson. Winners will be announced in late January.

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