Monday, October 29, 2018

Digital Media: Video Game Design

In Digital Media we are working on creating and coding our Video Game Designs for the upcoming Scholastic art and writing awards, below are the requirements and the game is due this Friday November 2 and the final entry for extra credit is due to be uploaded by Tuesday, December 4, 2018.

Video Game Design
Category Description
An interactive media experience that makes use of gameplay and digital media (e.g., visual art, sound design, digital storytelling, etc.). This category also includes conceptual designs of playable games.
Special Instructions
  • Video Game Design submissions must be playable games or conceptual designs of playable games.
  • Conceptual designs include, but are not limited to, character designs, game scripts, gameplay diagrams, or any combination of those.
  • Students may create playable games using the software or coding language of their choice. Some examples of these are: Scratch, Flash, Ren’py, Game Salad, Unity, and Game Maker.
  • Alternatively, students may submit playable games in another platform where the final game can be played by the judges on a browser or a PC without the purchase of any proprietary software or having to register for a private community.
  • If you are submitting a playable game, you can upload one file (.exe, .zip, .rar, or .swf). You must also enter a 250-500 word gameplay summary in the provided text editor and a gameplay video of your game being played no longer than 5 minutes in length.
  • If you are submitting conceptual designs, you can upload up to eight images and/or text documents. We highly recommend that you enter a description of your concept and its parts in the field provided on the upload page. This will ensure jurors can understand your work during judging.
Video Game Design submissions can include up to 5 collaborators. A collaborative Video Game Design entry should only be registered ONCE for judging: choose one student to create an account and upload the work -- this student can then identify up to four collaborators on the Edit Info page.
If the other collaborators are not listed when the work is submitted they will not be eligible to receive an Award.  For students using SCRATCH here's a really helpful forum with some help in creating and coding the game: SCRATCH FORUM

And if you're trying to make a game on then you can use this tutorial below:

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