Friday, June 7, 2019
Extra Credit: Bowseat Ocean Awarness Contest
Our final Extra Credit of the year is the Bowseat Ocean Awarness Contest which need to be submitted for a grade by Thursday June 13, 2019. You will need to create an art work based on the he 2019 theme, Presence of Future and submit it online at: for full credit.
Presence of Future Create a piece about a coastal/marine species, place, or system in 2019 that will be threatened, altered, or lost due to climate change. From organism to ecosystem, what are the impacts of climate change on our ocean? What do you want future generations to know about marine life in 2019? What can you create that will raise awareness now for your chosen subject? Climate change requires that we think about the past, present, and future simultaneously. Because of earlier human actions, our ocean is facing real and imminent threats today; our every action—or inaction—now impacts the future of our communities and our blue planet. The effects of climate change are not something that will happen to faraway generations—it is happening now; it is happening to us. What do we stand to lose? What can we gain from learning from our past and taking steps now to create a sustainable and just future?
Here are the awards Gold Award $1,500
Silver Award $1,000
Bronze Award $500
Honorable Mention $250
Review the Theme The Ocean Awareness Contest theme changes every year. Be sure to review the description of the 2019 theme, Presence of Future, before starting your piece. Submissions are judged based on how well they address the annual theme. Read the Rules This is an international contest open to students ages 11-18. Make sure you read all of the Contest rules, submission requirements, and other details before you get started.
Do Your Research & Get Inspired We have many resources on our website to help you get started on your submission, including tips and inspiration, resources for learning more about climate change impacts on our ocean, links to organizations working on climate change, and much more! Visit
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