Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Studio Art: Watercolor Painting Basics


Today in studio art we will be learning the basics of watercolor painting as we begin our plein air painting series.  We will be learning a few different approaches and techniques during this unit and cover both landscape painting and figure painting. 

Be aware that using paint take more clean up time so we'll be taking a few more minutes to set-up and clean-up each day.  Additionally, each student will be responsible for their own brush and set of paints and water that they will need to organize and clean each day. 

We will be creating a series of paintings but you will choose your best to submit for a grade so allow yourself to make mistakes without having to start over from scratch each time you paint. The final paintings will be due next week so we have some time to learn and experiment with the different techniques.

Watercolor is an additive process so it's always better to begin lighter and add layers of color and tone rather than starting with really bold color that might not be able to be altered. In addition to the set of paints and a brush each student will need water and a paper towel to paint with each day.

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