Wednesday, June 9, 2021

AP Art 2021-2022 Summer Assignments & Meeting

Today the AP Art 2021-2022 class will meet for a short review of the summer assignments and an explanation of the AP Art test in it's current form- some changes have been made in the last few years some parts like a section based on your best 5 pieces of artwork like the example shown above still remain while the other sections have evolved to emphasize the creative process and exploration. Below are the AP Art summer assignments:

AP Studio Art 2020 Summer Assignments


PART 1: Complete all 5 Assignments

1) Juxtaposition 

Artists like MC Escher, Rene Magritte, and Meret Oppenheim are known for Juxtapositions in their artwork.  A Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two things close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. An example is to create a Juxtaposition landscape where two opposing elements come together for a purpose. In some of Escher’s landscapes you will find he takes two different environments and places them together as one.    Try to work from life as much as possible. 

 2) A Self-Portrait WITHOUT Showing Your Face

(without showing your face)- The important thing here is to reveal something about yourself without using your face. In fact, you need not use any part of your body at all in this assignment. Instead, you are challenged to portray who you are in some alternative way. What image can you create or invent that would tell us something about you - your personality, your interests, your character, your inclinations, your talents, your passions, your obsessions, your desires, your needs, your likes and dislikes, your essence?

3. Humans and the Environment

Create a work showing the contrast between humans and the environment around us. This too can be personal or social (environmental, philosophical, imagined, ect) and literal or figurative. Try to stay away from the cliché imagery and find a unique take on a very ancient theme.

4. Inspiration- Take a look at this list of artists from ART21 and choose any artist that interests you. The list includes contemporary artists who use varied media such as: Maya Lin (Vietnam Veterans Memorial) and Barbara Kruger to Anish Kapoor (Cloud Gate) and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Research the artist using the website with videos and then create a piece responding to (not copying or in their style) their work. 

5. Shanti Peace Poster-  Create a 8"x10' poster for the Shanti Peace Poster Contest, the theme is peace and you are free to use quotes from Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and/or John Lennon if you wish.  Please see the Shanti Fund website at .

PART 2: Choose 1 of the assignments below:

A. Create a body of work of 10 artworks based on a question in any media

Use a question to inspire 10 works of art using any media.  The question can be personal (Something you’re asking yourself) or aimed at a larger group (focusing on your family or community or a larger group such as the country) or it can be open to anyone. (such as a philosophical question like what is the point of life?) The 10 works should look like they’re from the same artist but they do not need to be in the same medium.  The artwork should be related to the AP test you plan on taking.

B. Create a body of work of 10 artworks based on a big idea

Use an idea to begin creating artworks that are related in any media. The idea should be specific enough to entice an audience and keep them interested.  As a good example, you may want to explore TED talks or the art in ART 21.  The 10 works should look like they’re from the same artist but they do not need to be in the same medium. The artwork should be related to the AP test you plan on taking.

C) Sketchbook

A sketchbook is the single most important tool for any artist.  It’s a way to explore with technique, media, style and ideas without the pain and anxiety of struggling with a large project. 

A Sketchbook is a Never Ending Journey, Not a Destination.

Assignment:  Use your 9x12 black, hardcover sketchbook that you already own.  Fold over your first clean page

and write “summer sketchbook”.  Complete AT LEAST 60 Pages in this sketchbook over the summer.(remember to number each page).

Mediums: Paint (acrylic, tempera, watercolor), marker, pencil, colored pencil, crayons, oil pastels, chalk pastels,

stamps made out of erasers or potatoes, and ink.  Use anything that will make a mark – Be Inventive! 

mat knife, box cutter or X-acto knife, scissors, wax paper, ect (digital tools are also great)

Subjects: When working try contour line, gesture line, completed value drawings with strong lights and darks.

Try a variety of different subjects that include: People- family, friends, as well as strangers (try them still),

or capture movement (at the mall, or playing sports)).

Still Life- arrangement of dishes, eggs or lemons wrapped in different textured cloth.  Pay attention to the

smoothness of the eggs against the rough quality of the towel. Do several views of the same still life.  Use

different media.  Finish at least one well rendered piece after completing several views.  Draw a pinecone,

all or part of it, or any cone, to show the repetition in the pine cone patterns and details.  Look at material

such as: a shirt over a chair, a sheet around a pillar, clothes on a line etc. Draw this with color (watercolor,

pastel) and overlay it with another medium like pencil or ink.  Draw your bicycle, the family car, children’s

toys, are all good subjects.

Landscapes- observe and record your surroundings.  Draw a composition looking out of a window in your

room using the window as a format.  Draw something from your backyard and simplify it into a contour

drawing.  Show as many details as you can with just lines.  Create a drawing that shows diminution. Create

a drawing that shows loss of clarity due to distance (sfumato).  Draw landscapes using Linear and atmospheric


Draw from your memory or imagination- Create a drawing from life in any material that has a mysterious

mood.  Create a fantasy environment.  Transform everyday objects like food into fantasy creatures. You should try to draw in your sketchbook every day.  Draw from observation/imagination. Work with a variety of drawing, painting, and design techniques.  DO NOT WORK ONLY FROM PHOTOGRAPHS!!! 

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