Monday, August 12, 2013

AP Art: Summer Assignments checkup

The first 5 summer assignments were due last week and I'm almost finished going through all the work and responding with notes.  Here's a few great examples from Dana (above-Chronicle), Mikenzie (below- Inspiration John Baldessari), Lena (below- Self Portrait without showing your face), and Gabby (below- Decay).  Most of what I've seen so far has been great and might just need small tweaks to be complete but some of the work needs a bit more so make sure you give yourself time and don't wait to the last minute!  There are a few people who's work I haven't seen so be sure to get it in as soon as possible via email, instagram, or dropbox! Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer so far, lets have a great second half- looking forward to seeing some more great work- nice job!