Wednesday, June 1, 2016

AP Studio Art: Summer Assignments

The 2016-2017 AP Art class will have a short meeting next Wednesday June 8 at 2:05pm in room 161 to discuss the schedule and summer assignments which are posted below. If you cannot attend for any reason make sure you see Mr.Needles and complete the 20 assignments by the first week of class because they are potentially a large part of the AP test itself. 

If you have any questions about the assignments feel free to email me or come speak with me, other than that remember to enjoy the work and don't stress out because it usually means death to creativity!

Summer Assignments:
All assignments can be done in any medium, technique and style you desire but should be entirely original (do not use other people’s pictures, characters, or content in any way) and fit the AP Test you are planning on taking (Drawing, 2D, or 3D).  Part I and II should be shared before August 1 if you want feedback and Part III can be shared when school begins.

Part I: Breadth Assignments:
(these assignments should be shared with me via twitter instagram- #NeedlesAP or email by August 1 at the latest for feedback. These works will also  be critiqued during the first weeks of classes.)
1. Self Portrait (without showing your face)- The important thing here is to reveal something about yourself without using your face. In fact, you need not use any part of your body at all in this assignment. Instead, you are challenged to portray who you are in some alternative way. What image can you create or invent that would tell us something about you - your personality, your interests, your character, your inclinations, your talents, your passions, your obsessions, your desires, your needs, your likes and dislikes, your essence? 

2. Noir- Read the definition below and create a work that has a theme of noir in some way.
(adjective French: Black; noting the black numbers in roulette or the film noir style which incorporates deep shadows and a grim urban setting, photographed in somber tones and permeated by a feeling of disillusionment, pessimism, and despair.)

3. Man vs. NatureCreate a work showing the contrast between man and nature. This too can be personal or social (environmentally, philosophically, ect) and literal or figurative. Try to stay away from the cliché imagery and find a unique take on a very ancient theme.

4. Inspiration- Take a look at this list of NYC East Village Artists from and choose any artist that intrests you then create a piece responding to (not copying or in their style) their work.  The list includes everyone from artist who use traditional media such as: Jean Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring to artist like: Jeff Koons, Doze Green, and David Wojnarowicz who do mixed media pieces. 

5. Shanti Peace Poster-  Create a 8"x10' poster for the Shanti Peace Poster Contest, the theme is peace and you are free to use quotes from Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and/or John Lennon if you wish. Here's a link to the three previous winning Smithtown designs: 2011 Peace Poster

Part II: TERPart:
Create 5 works from prompts of The Everyday Renaissance Project.  There is a creative prompt for each day in June so choose 5 that interest you and create work for them.  If you want to share them on social media use the hashtag share them with #TERPart.

Part III: Concentration Assignments
Create 10 works in a theme of your choice in a medium that you want to work with for the AP test (pencil, photography, mixed media, ect.). Examples from the past include "A Day In The Life", "A Reinterpretation of the Past through Steam technology", "and "Perspectives of the Brooklyn Bridge" so it's really wide open but if you want to run your idea past me before you begin I'd love to hear it. Here's a link to the College Board website which has information about the test with examples of Concentration pieces that have scored well in the past: AP: Studio Art.

Part IV: Contests
The Young Arts art contest is open and I suggest submitting work for a chance to win a large scholarship and a chance to attend their renowned master classes with well know artist and become eligible for nomination as a US Presidential Scholar in the Arts.

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