Welcome to Art Room 161

This blog was created as an extension of the dialogue that began in our classroom and the purpose is to share creative ideas, images, and critiscm. All posts should be appropriate for the high school classroom and critiscm should be helpful and positive.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Extra Credit: Inktober

The October extra credit is to participate in Inktober!  Below are the daily prompts and if you complete a full week I'll count it as extra credit.  Above is a short video letting you know the basics but you can draw in any media based on the prompts for credit and be sure to share you work with the hashtag #INKTOBER19

Friday, September 27, 2019

Studio Art: Anti-Cyberbullying Poster Contest

Image result for cyber bullying

Our illustration Friday this week is to create a poster design for Suffolk County’s Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign, submit an 8 1⁄2” x 11” poster, containing original content, reflecting, in words and/or images, the child’s perception of cyberbullying and its impact. The poster must be postmarked no later than Friday, October 11, 2019, and must include, on the back: the name, address and phone number of the child artist, as well as the name and address of the
school and the name of the art teacher. Poster submissions must be sent to:

Roderick A. Pearson,
Executive Director, Suffolk County Youth Bureau
100 Veterans Memorial Hwy.
P.O. Box 6100, Hauppauge, NY 11788.

The Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign Committee will select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the
elementary, middle and high school age categories. Winners will be notified by Friday, November 1,
2019, and will receive their award at a ceremony to be held on Thursday, November 14, at 6:00 PM at the William Rogers Legislative Building at 725 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Smithtown, NY 11787.
In addition, winning posters will be displayed in the lobby of the County Executive’s office at H. Lee
Denison Building during the month of November 2019, in recognition of Bully Prevention month.

Challenge Day Week

This week I participated with many of you in Challenge Day and found it to be a terrific experience.  For anyone who might be interested here's the link to Challenge Day shirts and accessories- Challenge Day Shop
I'd also invite everyone who participated this year or previously to stop down anytime next week to model the positive message and write how they will "Be The Change" on our mural outside my classroom in 157.  I also highly recommend Brené Brown' s TED talk on the Power of Vulnerability for some encouragement in continuing to "drop the water line" and share!

Friday, September 20, 2019

AP Art- Class Assignment 1: Chronicle

Chronicle- Take a part of your life (anything from a single 24 hour day, to a week, to a longer period like a year of your life) and make an art piece representing that period of time and your personal geography. You can incorporate text, make it like a visual journal. or it can be more abstract but be creative, be personal, and do not simply document, elevate the work to art.  

Here are two examples for inspiration: Above is an example of a piece I made for the Sketchbook Project which documents a day in NYC and where I traveled. Below is an example from designer and artist Paula Scher who creates maps of the world with text as she sees it, this example is of a tsunami.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

National Art & Media Art Honor Society

Today is the first meeting of the National Art & Media Art Honor Society in room 157 at 2-3pm.  We will discuss our plans for the year and our upcoming induction ceremony and art show.  Our first field trip of the year will be in October/November to NYC.

All are welcome to join but to be formally inducted you need to have a B or above in art and complete 10 hours on community art service (painting murals, volunteering, designing our zen garden ect.)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Digital Media: Welcome to Coding

In Digital Media class we will begin to learn the basics of Coding this week using code.org and we'll do a few short coding assignments each week to build our skills this month.  We will also be having our first quiz this Friday so be sure to study the Quizlet before our first game of Quizlet Live!
Image result for minecraft code

We Will begin with the 4 MINECRAFT code tutorials which will be due on Tuesday, September 24

Monday, September 16, 2019

Studio Art: Augmented Reality Dot Drawing

Now that we have completed out Augmented Reality Dot Drawing we will be photographing them in augmented reality and sharing them to celebrate Dot Day.  Upload a fun AR photograph of your dot in our Google Classroom page for a final grade by Tuesday.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Drawing: Global Goals Project

Our class is participating in the Global Goals project and we will be focused on the UN sustainable
development Global Goal 17: Partnerships. We learned a bit about the goal and will continue to research it to
discuss our drawn animation project idea. we will each create a drawing to incorporate into the project today!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

National Art and Media Art Honor Society

The National Art and Media Art Honor Society will meet in room 161 on Thursday September 19, everyone who's in or taken art classes is invited to attend!  We have a number of projects and field trips planned for this year as well as scholarships and contests.  The video above from a few years ago will give you a better idea of who we are and what we do!

Digital Media: Digital Drawing and Photoshop Basics

In Digital Media class we are learning the basics of digital drawing and illustration in working in Photoshop.  We will be learning some new tools and terminology so here's a link to the class quizlet with the terms to study for our first quiz on Friday September 20.  Here are two inspiring and very different examples of digital illustrations in action.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remembering September 11

Today is the 18th  anniversary of the September 11 attacks so well take a moment to look at two short films from StoryCorps animated by The Rauch Brothers of two very personal stories from that day.  The first about John and Joe Vigiano (a firefighter from West Islip and a police officer from Medford) and the second about Michael Trinidad (who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald). 

I had a chance to visit the memorial and see the tribute in light in lower Manhattan from Brooklyn on the 15th anniversary which was meaningful as I was teaching the morning of September 11 and some of the students I taught lost parents that day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Digital Media: Chroma Key/Green Screen Basics

Image result for spiderman composite image

In Digital Media class we will be learning the basics of using Chroma Key aka Green Screen in class.
We'll begin by taking images of Spiderman and compositing a background and removing the green screen to add a cityscape.  Once you've cleaned up the image you can add other elements then submit it on Google Classroom. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

AP Art: Whitney Biennial

A video still of collaged images.

The Whitney Biennial is currently on view in NYC from May 17–Sep 22, 2019 with artists using innovative techniques such as Ellie Ga's storytelling slideshow and Robert Bittenbender's sculptures.  we'll discuss some of the work in class as we explore new art this week.

Friday, September 6, 2019

AP Art: Extra Credit- Young Arts Contest

Our first AP Art extra credit assignment is to apply to the Young Arts contest by September 30.  It has multiple categories including: fine art, design, & photography.  A small portfolio of work is required and there are multiple $10,000 cash scholarships available as well as a trip to Miami to work with a well-known artist mentor for a week!

Here's an example of the music winners recording a 1 minute song in Miami as part of the program.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Digital Media: Augmented Reality Dot Drawings

This week we will create art celebrating Peter Reynolds classic children's book "The Dot" using augmented reality and Adobe Photoshop.  We will create our own dots in each class.  We will share some of our work on social media to celebrate the book's theme of how anyone can create art.  Below is a dot I created first period as an example today.  In media classes we'll be creating dots using augmented reality that appear virtual like the example I did below using the Quiver app on my smart phone.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome Back To School

Welcome back to school, we are going to start be reviewing the class and creating a short collaborative project this week.

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