Now that we've all had a chance to get to know each other and put a few breadth pieces together it's time for SKETCHBOOK week! Eash class this week we will have a different assignment to be completed in your sketchbook with whatever materials you'd like. Be sure to use the whole page wether it's literally covering the page or activating the space via line or form in some way. Below are a few links for inspiration- have fun!
Monday: Draw from life in class including at least one person
Tuesday: Make your doodles into art
Wednesday: Illustrate the story in class
Thursday: Draw a portrait of someone you dont know well
Friday: Illustration Friday
first: how Scott gives some of his personal background and how that relates to his concepts and art (remember pulling from your own experience generally results in the most original and interesting work you have to offer)
second: how Scott's "out of the box" narrative style of presentation reflects the "out of the box" variations in cartooning that he discusses (like he mentions this is just his nature- getting in touch with your own instincts and nature will inform your art and in a larger sense your choices and views in life)
We have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly." -Barack ObamaIt's also important to note that President Obama made an interesting choice in using the artist we spoke about earlier in the year- Shepard Fairey, a modern graffiti artist (and creator of OBEY), to create his signature icon shown above. What do you think about that choice? What does that say to the art world?
“What you have to do is break all the rules.”
Andrew Wyeth, July 12, 1917 – January 16, 2009