Welcome to Art Room 161

This blog was created as an extension of the dialogue that began in our classroom and the purpose is to share creative ideas, images, and critiscm. All posts should be appropriate for the high school classroom and critiscm should be helpful and positive.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2020 Long Island's Best at the Hecksher Museum

We are approaching another deadline for the 2020 Long Island's Best exhibit at the Heckscher Museum.  All forms must be filled out completely and submitted by 5 pm on February 14, 2020.  The ARTWORK critiqued and prepared and framed before it is delivered next month on Tuesday, March 10 because our school has a limited number of entries.  A completed Artwork Label must be attached to each work of art that will be submitted.

Here is what is expected from the artist statement: Each student must write and submit an artist statement (50 to 150 words) with the Student Entry Form. This statement should explain the connection between the inspiration artwork seen in the Museum and the student artwork being submitted. The statement plays a key role in the jurying process and you may include a digital image of your piece as well.

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