Here are two great extra credit opportunities. The Third Coast Short Doc challenge is a short 2-3 minute audio contest (of which I was a finalist two years ago btw) and the Lighthouse Film Festival is a free chance at submitting a film into a local festival. I'll give extra credit for entering both or either and I'll be available during media art club to aid you in anyway possible- may the force be with you!
The Third Coast Festival is having their annual ShortDocs Challenge which comes with a set of rules inspired by a creative partner. For 2015 that's the Studs Terkel Radio Archive from the WFMT Radio Network.
Your radio story must:
- be two to three minutes in length
- be titled with a question that begins with one of the five Ws (who, what, when, where or why)
- contain the question "And what happened then?"- include a shout of silence or a cry of laughter
- be titled with a question that begins with one of the five Ws (who, what, when, where or why)
- contain the question "And what happened then?"- include a shout of silence or a cry of laughter
The deadline for submitting your ShortDoc is 11:59pm CT on Tue, April 14th.
- Five winning ShortDocs will be featured at the 2015 Third Coast FilmlessFestival (TCFF), in fall 2015 in Chicago (dates tbd).
- Eight finalists will receive a free pass to the TCFF.
- Top submissions will be featured on Third Coast’s Re:sound and podcast, presented on PRX Remix, and at Third Coast listening events in Chicago and beyond.
- All participants receive a free one-year SoundCloud Pro account.
- All submissions are archived permanently on this site, and all producers are added to the Third Coast Producer Index.
The Lighthouse Film Festival invited us to enter student films from this year free of charge by May 1. The New Jersey festival is on the shore, take a look here for more information:
Deadline to submit is MAY 1!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Please mail submissions to one of the addresses listed below.
Lighthouse International Film Festival, Student Submissions: 104 Fairview Ave. Beach Haven NJ 08008 :
Attn: Katie Prince
111 Winding Ridge Rd
White Plains NY 10603
Please submit all film submissions on DVD or flashdrive, playable in a DVD player or Computer.
Be sure to include your contact information. We will let you know that we've received it and contact you once your film has been reviewed.
Student Filmmakers, whose films are accepted, will receive 1 VIP ALL ACCESS PASS and 1 VIP ALL ACCESS PASS for a Parent/Guardian/Family Member.
VIP All Access holders are the first to be granted access to theatres for the best seats in the house; this pass will permit you admission to all public film screenings, festival events and Breakfast with Filmmakers on Saturday andSunday morning. Only All Access Pass Holders will be able to attend the Breakfast with Filmmakers events.
In addition, one of our Professional Award-winning filmmakers will attend the Student Film Screenings, view the students’ films, and participate in the Q&A afterward.
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