Welcome to Art Room 161

This blog was created as an extension of the dialogue that began in our classroom and the purpose is to share creative ideas, images, and critiscm. All posts should be appropriate for the high school classroom and critiscm should be helpful and positive.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Studio Art: Folding Origami Cranes

Now that we designed origami paper we will learn hoe to fold the Paper Origami Crane in Studio Art class like the demo I created above. Below is the step by step tutorial video showing how to create them that can be paused and repeated in case you have any issues.

The paper crane is an important symbol in Japan strengthened by the story of Sadako and the 1000 paper cranes from after World War II. In our continued relationship with japan we have created a 100 paper cranes each year in class and gifted them to Japan each year since my first visit in 2009.

I have even given Sadako's brother himself cranes that are housed at the Hiroshima war memorial in Japan (pictured above) as well as the school district of Fukushima where the terrible 2011 tsunami and nuclear meltdown occured and our cranes are housed in city hall.  Below is the story of Sadako is you are unfamiliar with it.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

National Art Honor Society- Yearbook Page and Sketchbook Project

In today's National Art Honor Society we will complete our Yearbook Club Page Designs and continue working on the video reflection.  The NAHS club page is pictured above and the Media Art page is almost complete. We will also put the finishing touches on the Sketchbook Project 2019, there are 4 pages left to complete and we need to create the index for Saturday.  We will also continue working on our murals and prepare for the next field trips.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Computer Art: Creating A Scratch Video Game

In Computer Art class we are going to learn how to create and code a simple video game with original characters in Scratch.  You can use a web tutorial or code on your own.  It uses the same blockly coding language as we used on code.org and you can create aspects of the game in Photoshop and Piskel as well.  It'll be due at the end of class on Monday April 1 and Tuesday we'll try out each other's games and review them using a rubric.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Studio Art: Gelli Printing with Stencils

In Studio Art we have been exploring the Gelli Printing process and we are now incorporating hand-cut stencils into the work.  Two final prints are due due tomorrow, Wednesday March 26 for a grade and then we will learn about our next printmaking assignment.  Below is a great example from Florence Turnour's blog.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Art Honor Society: 2019 Sketchbook Project

We are more than halfway done with our Art Honor Society 2019 Sketchbook Project, above is a preview of some of the pages.  Remember everyone needs to be ready to finish their pages quickly because the Sketchbook is due next weekend!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Digital Media: Rotoscoping

In Digital Media class we will learn the basics of Rotoscoping this week using both digital and traditional tools.  We'll begin today by collaboratively stroboscoping Edweard Muybridge's serial photographs that led the way to the creation of film in the 1800's.
Each student in class will trace a different frame from the photograph above and we'll unite the frames into one larger animation. Above is the example from my classroom demonstration.  This will be due on Monday and we'll see in class how the frames are combined.  Below is a short explanation of what rotoscoping is and how the process developed.

This process is still used in films, often as a special effect in movies like Guardians of The Galaxy (Rocket Racoon), here's a list of a few examples. After the collaborative introduction we'll work together once again to create a longer piece like the example from the TED logo by students below.

Here's some more information about this process from the TEDx blog: What is Rotoscoping It also has some great examples from history of the process, one of the first examples by animator Max Fleischer who created the process in 1915 below.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Studio Art: Gelli Printing

In Studio Art we are beginning our printmaking unit with Gelli mono-printing.  We'll begin by creating interesting stencils to use- they can be random organic or geometric shapes or more specific imagery.

We will then create a series of 2 mono-prints that relate to each other, in the art world this is called a diptych.  Their are a number of different techniques and methods but each student should create 2 prints for Tuesday using their stencils.

After creating our first 2 monoprints using stencils in Studio Art class  we will take monoprinting to the next level by adding drawing and layer masks.
You can draw first then print over it like the example above and below using a photograph or you can layer prints like the examples below but I'd suggest experimenting with prints before making a final print.

Monday, March 18, 2019

NAEA Conference Reflection

It was another fun learning experience this year at the National Art Education Association National Conference in Boston!
There were some fun and creative new materials I learned about from the expo floor such as the honeycomb student art exhibit above and I love working hands-on so the Blick booth is always interesting.
Above is the Blick hands-on fabric printmaking project I did, we used the easy carve prints on fabric then cut and glued them adding some decorative elements with fabric paint markers.  You can get a glimpse of the process below.

I also had a chance to visit the MFA Boston Art Museum after hours which was free with our conference badge to see the Frida Kahlo exhibit which was fantastic.

I haven't been to the museum since my days attending college in Boston so I loved seeing the new renovations and how they incorporated the building's exterior into the design as seen below with their cafe and the large Chihuly sculpture, they have an amazing collection!

The keynote talks were some of the best I've ever seen at an NAEA conference and ever one I attended was inspiring and interesting.  Artist Amy Sherald started it off in style discussing her work and its connection to the portraiture throughout history and she also gave some insights into her process painting the official first lady portrait for Michelle Obama.

There were also great keynotes from Peter H Reynolds and Dr. Howard Gardner, I tweeted out some of my takeaways from those talks as they happend this weekend as seen below.

I also attended some meetings as a member of the National Art Honor Society board and the Art Ed Tech interest group board which were productive.  We're working together to plan some exciting new future projects in both groups that should be wonderful.

On Saturday I taught a workshop on collaborative murals with Don Masse, a terrific educator from San Diego, CA who also does murals with students.  One of the collaborative murals we painted with educators in the workshop can be seen above at the top of the post and below.

Finally, as the event wrapped up I made sure to stop by MIT to visit the Frank Gehry designed Stata Center and check out the innovations in Cambridge.

It was a very fast but very fulfilling weekend and as always one of the biggest highlights was getting to connect with some of my art education colleagues and friends from groups like AET, #K12artchat, and NYSATA!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Heading to Boston for the NAEA Conference

Image result for boston
Today is my last day in class this week as I'll be heading to Boston for the NAEA Art Educators Conference.  We will be continuing work on our Youth Art Month artist portrait and quote assignment while I'm away.  Have a great week and enjoy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Digital Media: Digitally Illustrated Artist Portrait and Quote

To close out our short film project we will review some of the post-production terms using QUIZLET (learn, match and test) and we'll have a quiz when I return from the Art Educators conference next week. Next we'll be moving on to digital drawing on the wacom tablet.
This week we will learn about digital drawing using the Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop. We'll begin with a fairly simple drawing that will allow us to explore the possibilities of using these tools. Next each student will draw a portrait of a famous living artist in celebration of Youth Art Month with a quote from that artist. The artist's were assigned below so you will have to find a large, high quality image of the artist and create a detailed tracing on a new layer in Photoshop. We will do this step by step together in class but the first step is finding a good, high quality, large image to work from and formatting it in Photoshop with a 300 resolution and a medium size (around 8"). Above and below are two examples of this project from previous years when we covered important figures in technology and writing.
When you begin the drawing make sure you are on the layer (not the background), that you save frequently, and that you are working with a color not found in the image- it helps to zoom in while drawing as well. After making the drawing we add background colors, add a quote from the artist and small frame then add a #Needlesclass watermark to share on social media. The final project will be due at the end of class on Wednesday March 20

Digital Media Period 2
    Thoreau- Barry McGee
    Kaylynn- Yayoi Kusama
    Vincent- Robert Frank
    Daniel- Liu Bolin
    Thomas F- David Salle
    Ethan- Yoko Ono
    CJ- Swoon
    Salvatore- Jim Campbell
    Gonzalo- José Parlá
    Jacob- David Hockney
Digital Media Period 4
Carly- David Hockney
Cailey- Marilyn Minter
Payton- Vuk Ćosić
Mark- Jon Burgerman
Madelyn- Gregory Crewdson
Kevin- Shepard Fairey
Timothy- José Parlá
Mitch- Yoko Ono
Benedetto- David Salle
Joseph- Liu Bolin
Jenna- Robert Frank
William- Swoon
Srikar- Scott Snibbe
Kenneth- Banksy
Matthew- Ai Weiwei
Naeem- Sebastião Salgado
Alexander- Jim Campbell
James McA- Marina Abramovic
James McD- Barry McGee
Justin- Andy Goldsworthy
Abigail- Yayoi Kusama
Nicholas- Kaws
Emily- Wayne White
Joseph- Annie Leibovitz
Kerrick- Chuck Close

Computer Art Period 8
Keegan- Jasper Johns
Kyle- Ai Weiwei
Michael- William Wegman
Spencer- Cindy Sherman
Gregory- John Baldessari
Benjamin- Anish Kapoor
Aidan- Jenny Holzer
Jack- Julian Schnabel

Monday, March 11, 2019

Art Honor Society- Yearbook Page Design

Even though we will not be meeting in Art Honor Society this week as I will be in Boston for the NAEA conference we will be working on designing our Yearbook Page Design for both honor societies so be sure to share photos from our meetings and events this year!

Friday, March 8, 2019

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day and Google is celebrating with some Google Doodles based on Artists we learned about in class.  Here's a look at Frida Kahlo and Yoko Ono's quotes from the piece which is on the Google homepage today.

Computer Art: Virtual Reality Camera

Smithtown East Pep Rally 2018 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
In Computer Art class we are learning the basics of the camera and exposures before taking on our experimentation with the Theta Virtual Reality Camera on Monday. Review the QUIZLET terms for a short quiz on Tuesday and design a VR image which includes the class in an interesting way. Above is an example, the VR image that I took at the Pep Rally.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Heckscher Museum LI Best Show

Work is due this week for the 2019 Heckscher Museum LI Best Show.  The example above is from Lindsey who based her watercolor painting on Robert Swain Gifford's A Decorative Notion from 1880 pictured below.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Studio Art: Illustrate A Song

e20c1dbcc3d75c83e9414790fabfb13 - Draw me a song  <3 <3
In Studio Art and Art Honor Society we are Illustrating A Song like the examples designed by Nour Tohme, a Paris, France based graphic designer and illustrator.  Choose any song and draw it out on a full page in color, the final design is due on Thursday and we'll critique them on Friday.  Extra points for students that can illustrate and communicate the song without using any words!

b964a6a55a46bb5a70418336eee5a - Draw me a song  <3 <3

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Digital Media- Pre-production

Today we have our quiz on pre-production so we'll take a look at part of the pre-production process of the hit television series, The Office. Here's two short clips that will give us some insight on the process.
We'll also take a look at some of the interviews I've done with the cast including Creed Bratton (who played Creed on the show).

Monday, March 4, 2019

March: Late Arrival Snow Day


We'll start off March today we'll have a late start due to the snow but in Digital Media classes we'll be check the footage for our short, short film while reviewing the Quizlet for our quiz tomorrow and in Studio Art we'll be continuing work on our textured self portrait project.  In Computer Art we'l be looking at our new 3D printer and continuing work on our Google Doodle.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Digital Media: Short, Short Film Footage

Today we are beginning to film our short, short films so here's 2 award winning 1 minute films for inspiration. The example above EDGE OF SEVENTEEN fits the lesson perfectly and has a great twist if you pay close attention, the film below, THE END, is more technical and requires more acting but a smart, complete short. The footage for your is due on Monday and we'll be having a short quiz on the film pre-production terms we learned on QUIZLET.

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