Welcome to Art Room 161

This blog was created as an extension of the dialogue that began in our classroom and the purpose is to share creative ideas, images, and critiscm. All posts should be appropriate for the high school classroom and critiscm should be helpful and positive.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Art Honor Society: Wyland Art Competition

Today in Art Honor Society we will finish our Wyland Art Competition mural and individual works. We completed the background elements and will finish the large sea animals then paint in smaller fish and coral along with the text.  We will also go over information about our rescheduled field trip to NYC and our final projects for 2017.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Digital Media: 5 Basic Animation Techniques

This week in Digital Media class we will be learning a variety of different basic animation techniques from traditional drawn animation to rotoscoping to digital animation. For each technique we learn you will have 2 days to create a simple 6 second animation and these animations will be graded at the beginning of next week. Today we will begin by using a 8bit pixel animation program called PISKEL in which you will each create your own unique character and animate them.  Below is an example of an animation for the White Stripes that was done with this method as well as using tradition animation using Legos.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Studio Art: Artist Research Presentations

In Studio Art we will continue to present our Artist Research Presentations in class. Be sure to take good notes and pay close attention visually because we will have a test on all the artists after the presentations.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Digital Media: STEAMroom Quiz

In Digital Media class we will review the important figures of STEAM that we learned about in preparation for the Quiz tomorrow. We will be using these figures to begin our animation unit so we will break into groups to create a collaborative animation about them later in the week.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Art Honor Society: Happy Thanksgiving!

Art Honor Society & Media Art Honor Society will not meet this week because of the Thanksgiving vacation but here's a look at our new hallway poster designed in AP Art class this week.  We will be meeting next week to finihs up our Wyland mural, work on more artist trading cards, plan a Storycorps interview with a local artist, and reschedule our NYC field trip.

Foto Foto Gallery's Open Call

Foto Foto Gallery in Huntington announced their 2017 Open Call for photography.  Students who submit can earn extra credit.  The prospectus is below, last year I was in the exhibit along with a student and it was a terrific show!  Here is a link to the information: fotofoto gallery 13th National Photography Competition

Remembering Ms.Conde

With the sudden passing of Ms. Conde this week we are going to forgo our quiz this week and spend a day remembering her.  We will be continuing to create in class but nothing will be due this week. The little theater and guidance is open for any students who are grieving and our class will be open format so students are free to draw, paint, and create freely.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Digital Media: The Great Thanksgiving Listen

In Digital Media we will participate and upload an interview for StoryCorps The Great Thanksgiving Listen.  You can listen to some of the previous #NeedlesClass Great Listen interviews to get an idea of the expectation but we'll review the specifics in class too.  Each interview should be with an someone older (a family member, friend, or an influential adult in your life) and have at least 10 questions along with a photograph of the interviewer and interviewee along with a signed permission form if they are going to be uploaded.  Make sure you add the #needlesclass hashtag so we can easily find them online.  Below is a StoryCorps favorite animated example.

We will be animating aspects of these interviews later in class so it's a good idea to start with a few warm up questions and don't worry about editing, leave it all in there- sometimes mistakes are the best part!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Painting: Artist Research Project

Image result for Nighthawks
In Painting Class we are working on the Painting Research Project this week. Below are the basic outline of the project which you can create in Google Slide and submit via Google Classroom.
Google Slide Presentation:

  • Cover page with artist, image of artist, name/class/year
  • Birth/(death) date with 10 bulleted facts about the artist & link to where you got the bio info
  • Famous painting with 10 bulleted facts about it and reference images
  • 20 full size, full page images of the artist's work

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Art Honor Society: Wyland Art Competition

Today in Art Honor Society we will begin our Wyland Art Competition.  We will collaborate over the next few weeks to create the large painting in pieces.  There is also an individual category of the contest in which you can enter work like the terrific entry from Nethmi above.

Extra Credit: The Great Thanksgiving Listen

This month's extra credit assignment for studio art classes is to participate and upload an interview for StoryCorps The Great Thanksgiving Listen.  You can listen to some of the previous #NeedlesClass Great Listen interviews to get an idea of the expectation but we'll review the specifics in class too.  Each interview should be with an elder and have at least 10 questions along with a photograph of the interviewer and interviewee along with a signed permission form if they are going to be uploaded.  Make sure you add the #needlesclass hashtag so we can easily find them online.  Below is a StoryCorps favorite animated example.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Studio Art: Artist Research Project

This week in Studio Art class we are working on our Artist Research Project.  The Google Slide presentation should be completed by the beginning of class on Wednesday and contain the following:

  • Cover page with artist, image of artist, name/class/year
  • Birth/death date with 10 bulleted facts about the artist & link to where you got the bio info
  • 10 full size, full page images of the artist's work
Once the Google Slide presentation is complete each student should create a piece of art in any media in their sketchbook inspired by the artist they researched.  This should not be a copy of their work but it should take something about the artist's work that interests you and use that in the piece.  The example above of Banksy's Keith Haring inspired work might be a good example!

  1. Malakhi- Andy Warhol
  2. Heath- Banksy
  3. Matthew M- René Magritte
  4. John D- Christo
  5. Payton- Chuck Close
  6. Carly- Claude Monet
  7. Justin- Liu Bolin
  8. Olivia- Pablo Picasso
  9. Julianna- Frida Kahlo
  10. Krishna- Salvador Dalí
  11. Frank- MC Escher
  12. Annalyse- Vincent Van Gogh
  13. Jessica- Yayoi Kusama
  14. Kevin- Andrew Wyeth
  15. Dan- Ai Weiwei
  16. Stephanie- Piet Mondrian
  17. Kyrsten- Barbara Kruger
  18. Emily- Swoon
  19. Kaylee- Wayne White
  20. Needles- Alphonse Mucha

Monday, November 13, 2017

Digital Media: Accelerated Intro to CS Course

Image result for classic maze code.org
This quarter's coding assignments are based on pushing our knowledge from using Blockly to other programming languages like Java Script so after you complete the Classic Mazehttps://studio.code.org/hoc/1 on code.org we will complete the full Accelerated Intro to CS Course (part of which we have already completed)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Painting: Choice Assignment for Scholastic

Image result for Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

In Painting class we began our first Choice Assignment for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. the painting can be any media and have any content but the sketches are due today and the final painting will be due December 1.  I will share materials based on you sketches today and Monday and we will have class time each week to work on these paintings for the remainder of the month.
Here is a link to some of the award winning art in the painting category last year: PAINTING WINNERS.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Studio Art: Sketchbook Artists Quiz

Today we will review the artists we learned about during our sketchbook unit to prepare for the quiz on them tomorrow and we'll be using our class Quizlet to study.  This post features work from one of the artists R. Crumb including his list of artists who inspired him below.

Image result for robert crumb art

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

SCD- STEAM & SEL: Promoting Choice, Authenticity & Relationship Skills in Learning.

STEAM Learning and Social Emotional Learning are both major areas of focus in education today so we will explore the midpoint of pairing these two methodologies in working with students.  Our Makerspace at the SEL summer camp was focused on engaging students in fun STEAM activities with student choice.  We'll review some of the areas of focus in STEAM and what we've learned some of the best practices are in using social emotional learning with students in the first half of the session.  We'll also review engaging and ways to teach with student collaboration such as Quizlet Live and Kahoot.

The second half will be devoted to putting our ideas to the test with a hands on STEAM Makerspace featuring 5 core activities:

Monday, November 6, 2017

Digital Media: Star Wars Game

Today we will brush up on coding in preparation for our big hour of code project next month by using Code.org to program and play a Star Wars game.  We will begin in Blockly and then move on to Java Script to code.

After you move through the first 14 levels you will have a chance to create your own Star Wars game. Try to create a game complicated and challenging enough that someone could play for at least 2-5 minutes the share it with the class to play.  Save and publish (and copy and email me) the code by the end of the class on Wednesday for the final grade.

As always be sure to sign in before you start so that you receive credit for the coding.  This week I will also review all of your coding work and grades as this is the final week of the quarter.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Extra Credit: Batman Sketch Night


AP Art, painting, and studio art students can earn a extra credit this moth but attending the Batman Sketch Night at Cinema Arts Center in Huntington next Friday, Nov 10 at 6:00 PM and drawing some Batman figures. The event is a fundraiser for the local Jeffrey K Fisher Drawing Studio in Smithtown and features:


6pm-7pm FREE, Open to the Public, Kid-Friendly photo-ops with BATMAN, his allies and the Rogues Gallery!!
7pm-10pm Draw Professional Cosplay Models as they pose for a LIVE COMIC in Gotham City's Caped Crusader's latest ADVENTURE
*Bring supplies or $5 for basic sketch materials!
Come in your own Dark Knight cosplay for a chance to win a special prize!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Art Honor Society: Starting the Wyland Mural

Today in Art Honor Society starting the Wyland Mural by critiquing all of the student designs and choosing our final design and sketching it out on the final canvas.  We have 30 student designs to look at and we will choose our favorite design ideas today together and formulate our final design.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Digital Media: Digital Portrait Drawing with the Wacom Tablet

This week we will learn about digital drawing using the Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop. We'll begin with a fairly simple drawing that will allow us to explore the possibilities of using these tools. Each student has been assigned an artist who uses media art or helped pave the way for it and you will have to find a high quality image of the artist and create a detailed tracing on a new layer in Photoshop. We will do this step by step together in class but the first step is finding a good, high quality, large image to work from and formatting it in Photoshop with a 300 resolution and a medium size (around 8").
When you begin the drawing make sure you are on the layer (not the background), that you save frequently, and that you are working with a color not found in the image- it helps to zoom in while drawing as well. The drawings will be due on Friday November 1 and then we will make that tracing into a more detailed rendering, add background colors, a quote from the artist, a small frame, and a #Needlesclass watermark to share on social media. The final project will be due at the end of class on Wednesday November 8 Above are 2 examples of the project from a previous classes.
Also remember to study our Digital Media Class Quizlet to prepare for the Q1 vocabulary test on Friday. Tomorrow we will prepare by playing Quizlet Live.
Digital Media Period 2

  1. Dan- Douglas Coupland
  2. Angelo- Vuk Ćosić
  3. Steven- Andy Warhol
  4. Vincent- Jim Campbell
  5. Ericson- Marina Abramovic
  6. Meghan- Scott Snibbe
  7. Kevin- Yayoi Kusama
  8. Sara- Marilyn Minter
  9. Chris- Takashi Murakami
  10. Jessica- Yoko Ono
  11. Connor- Nam June Paik
  12. Michael- Jon Burgerman
  13. Noah- Bill Viola
  14. Paul- Nick Cave
  15. Victoria- Marjane Satrapi

Digital Media Period 4

  1. Max- Robert Rauschenberg
  2. Hayley- Lauren Greenfield
  3. Chris- Shepard Fairey
  4. Philip- Sebastião Salgado
  5. Austin- Gregory Crewdson
  6. Erin- Swoon
  7. William- Sigmar Polke
  8. Tom- Tim Hetherington
  9. Joshua- Barry McGee
  10. Spencer- Jerry Uelsmann
  11. Kelly- Robert Frank
  12. Joe- Liu Bolin
  13. Will- José Parlá
  14. Mike- Matthew Barney
  15. Liam- Wayne White
  16. Jordan- Chuck Close
  17. Alexander- Salvador Dalí
  18. Brian- David Salle
  19. Gabrielle- David Hockney
  20. Gregory- Keith Haring
  21. Kevin- Herb Ritts
  22. Henry- Alexander Calder

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