All AP Art students should have received the course bulletin and should have submitted payment to Mr. Aleci's office. Checks should be made out to Smithtown Central School District for $94.
In Computer Art class we started learning about 3D design and printing be doing a Art Disk Remix based on a design created by Morphi. Above are some of the initial 3D prints of student designs. Today we will learn some of the terminology using our class Quizlet. We will continue reviewing them today and play Quizlet Live together as a class to prepare for the quiz on Wednesday.Introducing high school Computer Art students to #3Dprinting with a #remix challenge: creating new & interchangeable re-designs of @MorphiApp’s modular #art disks pic.twitter.com/JMxXEM3g6r— Tim Needles (@timneedles) February 8, 2019